Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday, December 6th 2010 ~Getting Started~

This is new for me.  I have many interests and ideas, but for now I will learn to blog.  I have been a member of many forums relating to a variety of topics, but have yet to blog.

I graduated with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences, for Web Development.

I will start and continue to put my writings and thoughts on this blog.  I do like to share my interests and network.

I live in America, have 2 children (one is 23, girl and 15, boy).  I care about people, the heart and the truth.  I wish we could all love one an other and live harmoniously in peace around this world and country, but it seems a never ending battle.

I have some research to do today.  It's 1:22 am and I am looking for ways to make a living with my skills on the computer and internet, that don't involve, Pyramid scams or money down (which I have none of, lol).

If by chance someone with real knowledge of these things, with resources that they/you could direct me to (not involving scams please.  I am pretty smart and will research it first and delete your post, so please don't bother to spam my blog with this. As I would not do this to you, Thank you:), I would appreciate any comments and help.

Till next post....

